World Ocean Radio - Advocacy

This week on World Ocean Radio we are introducing listeners to The Jena Declaration, a new W2O partnership with a UNESCO-Chair project for Sustainability. The Jena Declaration (TJD), is officially described as being built on the premise that information is not reaching the people that need it most: those who are directly affected by climate change, shifting ocean patterns, an increasingly unpredictable systems response. In essence, the Declaration states that a top-down strategy to inform and communicate the change required is not working. The Declaration calls for a new strategy to achieve living sustainably everywhere, through integration of the arts and sciences and new partnerships to further amplify information, communication, and engagement.
KNOT: a word with many definitions: from a tight constriction to something hard to solve; a cluster of persons or things; an ornamental ribbon; a closed curve in three dimensional space. And of course, the word comes back to the ocean: is not the ocean a dynamic of knots: entangled and integral, inter-placed with ornamental flexible bodies, comprised of the ties that bind.
This week we're providing our listeners with a list of intentions that describe the World Ocean Observatory's statement of beliefs that drives all action. And we provide suggestions for those who may ask, "What can I do?" while encouraging determination to pursue the causes that you believe in. This week's episode is a statement of belief and intent that dates back to the original principles of W2O, begun more than 20 years ago.
This week on World Ocean Radio we're talking about global communication, asking how we as ocean communicators break through, and how we create messaging that resonates and reaches the millions of citizens whose lives are so dependent on the ocean’s bounty. And we highlight two ocean heroes, Dr. Sylvia Earle and Sir David Attenborough, whose quiet successes have combined to communicate with and to reach millions of citizens of the ocean worldwide.
This week on World Ocean Radio: synopsis of a recent report by the UN Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission entitled "Call to All Voices of the Ocean – Consultation of Civil Society in Preparation of the Next United Nations Ocean Conference" addressing issues and providing recommendations and specific actions related to ocean climate, science, and policy. One glaring omission: a powerful specific call for action--a plan through communication that will amplify, advocate, educate, and initiate the change required to connect us all through the sea.
This week on World Ocean Radio we're sharing some methods and means to make small and large changes that can have effects on the climate and sustainability challenges that are caused in large part by the consumer choices we make every day.
A nocturne is a short musical composition: dreamy, romantic, suggestive of the night, a passage from one place to the next. This week we're asking: What comes next for our collective energy and focus? What it is that will get us safely from this place of climate crisis and uncertainty to another place of reinvention, newly-conceived solutions, and sustainability? We are committed to talking about it, and we urge you to join us as we dream of a new way forward.
"We are not blind to the overall problem, and if we were in doubt, recent climate-explained events, near and far, should open our eyes more widely. With climate conditions constantly in the news, public awareness must follow," says Peter Neill, director of the World Ocean Observatory. This week on World Ocean Radio we wrap up a two-part series with a message of hope.
In this episode and the next, World Ocean Radio reports on the status quo, business-as-usual, tunnel vision conclusions at COP28 in Dubai, hosted by the United Arab Emirates, December 2023. While many millions of dollars and intentions were pledged toward solutions, the focus and associated response was too narrow and inadequate to address the deficit consumption of our world's natural and ecological resources.
This week we are celebrating our 700th episode of World Ocean Radio--5-minute reflections featured as podcast and interstitial radio syndicate for 14 years. From these ongoing observations have come four books and continuous contribution toward a strategy to communicate the importance of healthy climate and ocean, a succession of examples, emphasis, and explanation of how Nature and ocean are all-encompassing and connects us all.
This week on World Ocean Radio, part two of a two-part Thanksgiving special. In this episode we discuss the ways we can give back to the land and the sea that provide so much. What if we accept the obligation to give back in an exchange that sustains Nature, through our behaviors and our patterns of consumption?
This week on World Ocean Radio we're talking about the megaphonics of ocean communications. How do we as communicators break through? How do we create messaging that resonates and reaches the millions of citizens whose lives are so dependent on the ocean’s bounty? We highlight two ocean heroes, Dr. Sylvia Earle and Sir David Attenborough, whose quiet successes have combined to reach millions worldwide.
This week on World Ocean Radio we wrap up the 33-part RESCUE series with a checklist of steps and questions for a practical, personal plan and strategy to embrace the transformational change required to sustain the deteriorating world ocean.
We are nearing the end of the 33-part RESCUE series. This week we turn our attention to the young people around the world that are approaching outdated conventions with resilience and resolve. Thousands upon thousands of youth activists are having their voices heard and their calls to action heeded. We must reinforce their resolve, their commitment and their acceptance of RESCUE: R for renewal; E for environment; S for society; C for collaboration; U for understanding; and E for engagement.
This week we continue the multi-part RESCUE series with a conversation about consensus, a policy-making tool that has historically served to progress issues forward. In this episode we argue that, in light of recent conversations and outcomes from COP27 and Davos, consensus may have become diluted, compromised and corrupted. What's next? Might it be time for bottom-up collective action and social invention? RESCUE as an acronym offers a plan for specific action and public participation: Renewal, Environment, Society, Collaboration, Understanding, and Engagement.
This week marks the 600th episode of World Ocean Radio. It was in 2009 that the show first began with encouragement from WERU-FM Community Radio in Blue Hill, Maine. Today World Ocean Radio is heard via countless college and community radio stations around the United States and in select regions in New Zealand, Hong Kong and Africa. Thanks to the rise in social media these last number of years we are now broadcast worldwide, reaching millions of listeners connected by the sea. In this week's special anniversary edition we look back to the state of the ocean when this show first began, where we are now, and where we could be headed if we so choose to employ the many tools at our disposal to sustain our water planet.
The climate is in crisis, and the next generation is committed to and has been successful in raising awareness, demanding political action, seeking legal recourse for offenders, and developing inventive responses to the problems we face. This week on World Ocean Radio we discuss the many ways that climate change is becoming part of the larger conversation around the world, entering into educational systems and curriculum, and calling young people to activism and demand for change around the globe.
Earth Overshoot Day marks the date when humanity's annual demands on Nature exceed the capacity for Earth's ecosystems to regenerate those resources within that year. In this episode of World Ocean Radio we discuss the red alert that is this overshoot day, 2019, showing that we are living beyond nature's means to sustain our growing demands.
With the Hearts in the Ice expedition set to begin one month from now, World Ocean Radio is revisiting a special episode dedicated to the upcoming 270-day exploration of the Arctic at the Bamsebu trapper’s cabin in the high north. Hearts in the Ice is a citizen science initiative that Sunniva Sorby and Hilde Falun Strom will undertake next month as a means to create a global dialogue around changes in the Polar regions that impact us all.
There has never been a better time to be a citizen scientist--those individuals interested in the collection of data toward solutions, the expansion of public awareness, to satisfy curiosity, and to help develop concrete actions for the protection of the ocean. In this episode of World Ocean Radio we provide a number of examples of ocean science initiatives for the curious at heart, whether your interest is penguins, birds, clouds, phytoplankton or any other feature of the ocean world.
This week on World Ocean Radio we introduce listeners to two women who are planning to embark on an unsupported exploration in the Arctic: 270 days at the Bamsebu trapper’s cabin in the high north. Hearts in the Ice is a citizen science initiative that Sunniva Sorby and Hilde Falun Strom will undertake in August 2019 as a means to create a global dialogue around changes in the Polar regions that impact us all. We invite you to join the conversation at
On June 9th, 2018, a March For The Ocean (M4O) will take place in Washington, D.C. and in cities around the world. In this episode of World Ocean Radio we encourage listeners to gather in the nation's capital, to find a march in a city nearby, to organize, and to volunteer. We argue that we must declare, loudly and publicly, that the ocean will prevail and will continue to support us for generations to come if only we have the courage and the will to sustain it.
On April 22nd we celebrated Earth Day, an annual day set aside to honor the environmental movement of the 70s to demand action for the health of our planet. World Ocean Radio decided to postpone talking about Earth Day this year in the hope that we might remind listeners that we must celebrate, speak out and stand up for the environment every day.
After more than 430 episodes of World Ocean Radio, host Peter Neill takes this week to outline what the World Ocean Observatory does, and the ways in which we reach people around the globe through various programs, social networks, and our vast website of educational resources.
As a follow up to a World Ocean Radio episode from mid-May, we offer an overview of the Ocean Conference in New York last week which sought to reach outcomes toward sustainable development goal (SDG) 14: to conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development. And in this episode we encourage all listeners to become agents for change by choosing one ocean issue and investing talent and action toward a solution.