Breaking Waves: Ocean News

09/17/2024 - 00:00
Climate summit host positioning itself as peacemaker but is accused of ethnic cleansing and imprisoning opponents The host country of this year’s UN climate summit, Azerbaijan, has been accused of hypocrisy in calling for a global truce to coincide with the conference taking place. Azerbaijan holds the presidency of the Cop29 summit, which will take place in its capital, Baku, from 11 November for two weeks. Heads of government from around the world are expected and more than 180 countries are likely to be represented. Continue reading...
09/17/2024 - 00:00
When Rob Barrett set out to survey one of the country’s largest colonies in the 1970s there were too many birds to count. Now, his pictures and archive images show a species decline echoed around the world In the mid-1970s, seabird researcher Rob Barrett set out in a rubber boat to survey one of Norway’s largest seabird colonies. Equipped with a camera and a pair of binoculars, he planned to photograph the Syltefjord colony, in the far north of the country, then, back on land, develop the photos and fit them together to create a panorama. After that, he would count the birds. As the boat drew closer to the cliffs, the gulls’ chattering increased to an overwhelming level. So did the smell. The cliffs rose 100 metres above him, kittiwakes filling every nook and crevice. It continued like that for five kilometres along the coast. Continue reading...
09/16/2024 - 23:26
A koala has been spotted browsing the aisles of an IGA grocery store in regional Australia. Koalas are frequent visitors to the Victorian town of Meeniyan, population 840, but it's the first time one has entered the local supermarket. After 20 minutes exploring, the marsupial was carefully removed from the store with the help of a wildlife carer Hands off the koala: why cuddling Australia's iconic marsupial could soon be a thing of the past Continue reading...
09/16/2024 - 23:00
Head of sports charity hails partnership that allows local people to use London independent school’s football pitch Children in the UK urgently need more easy-to-access green space, according to the head of a sports charity calling on private schools to open up their grounds. Kieran Connolly foundeed Sports Fun 4 All, which offers free football sessions to children in south London, and now works with a local private school that opens up one of its football pitches for his teams. Continue reading...
09/16/2024 - 12:33
Prisoners fled when the walls of their jail collapsed in the country’s worst flooding in two decades More than 200 inmates escaped from a prison in north-east Nigeria in the aftermath of the worst flooding there in over two decades, authorities have announced. There have been 37 deaths in Borno state after parts of its capital Maiduguri were overrun by water on 9 September following the collapse of a dam, according to the National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA). As many as 200,000 others have been displaced. Residents of the city said some areas were still flooded on Monday when President Bola Tinubu visited. Continue reading...
09/16/2024 - 10:54
Canopy gaps in a mixed floodplain forest have a direct effect on forest soil temperature and moisture, but only have a minor impact on soil biological activity.
09/16/2024 - 10:54
Scientists have discovered a new species of fish, the 'grumpy dwarfgoby'. Found among coral reefs in the Red Sea, it has large canines and a fierce expression, even though it is only 2 cm long. Its existence highlights the region's rich biodiversity, but also stresses the need for conservation efforts as climate change causes major disturbances to the reef's ecosystem.
09/16/2024 - 10:53
Cities such as Zurich and Dublin found to have key services accessible within 15 minutes for more than 95% of residents When Luke Harris takes his daughter to the doctor, he strolls down well-kept streets with “smooth sidewalks and curb cuts [ramps] for strollers at every intersection”. If the weather looks rough or he feels a little lazy, he hops on a tram for a couple of stops. Harris’s trips to the paediatrician are pretty unremarkable for fellow residents of Zurich, Switzerland; most Europeans are used to being able to walk from one place to another in their cities. But it will probably sound like fantasy to those living in San Antonio, Texas. That’s because, according to new research, 99.2% of Zurich residents live within a 15-minute walk of essential services such as healthcare and education, while just 2.5% of San Antonio residents do. Continue reading...
09/16/2024 - 10:00
Cultural protection order has been framed as a push to curry favour with inner-city seats, ignoring grassroots campaigns from Indigenous and non-Indigenous locals Sign up for the Rural Network email newsletter Join the Rural Network group on Facebook to be part of the community Among the concerns listed by the 2,000 farmers who converged on the lawns of Parliament House in Canberra last week was the protection of prime agricultural land from renewable energy developments. It has become a common refrain. The National party leader, David Littleproud, warned at the party’s annual federal council on Friday of the risk to prime agricultural land from energy transition projects. The mining magnate Gina Rinehart took to the stage at a business event last year to warn that one-third of Australia’s prime agricultural land could be “taken over” by renewable energy projects. In almost every campaign against a proposed development in the bush, the potential impact on prime agricultural land is raised as a key concern. Sign up to receive Guardian Australia’s fortnightly Rural Network email newsletter Continue reading...
09/16/2024 - 10:00
There have been moments of modest progress but the Albanese government has not lived up to its early rhetoric Follow our Australia news live blog for latest updates Get our breaking news email, free app or daily news podcast It wasn’t supposed to be like this. Back in the heady new government days of July 2022, Tanya Plibersek told the National Press Club that change was coming for environmental protection in Australia after a decade of disaster and neglect. Releasing the five-yearly state of the environment report, which the previous Coalition government had received months earlier but put in a drawer until it was turfed from office, the new environment minister said it told a “story of crisis and decline in Australia’s environment”. Continue reading...